My network has changed the way I learn in various ways. I now seek out knowledge and assistance in understanding from my networks more so than from a teacher and/or a textbook. I do use these as resources, just not in the same fashion as before. My pursuit of learning new knowledge when I have questions often begins as an Internet search. From here, I am directed to various technological as well as traditional methods, which answer my questions. My network has changed the way I treat the pursuit of information. I no longer rely solely upon text/teacher; I utilize my connections with similar professionals with similar questions. I learn from the experiences I encounter and the information of others’ experiences.
Digital tools which best facilitate learning for me include Google Search, Mail, Documents and Calendar, I utilize for concept mapping, as well as the New Technology Network’s resources, project libraries, and staff support tools.
New Technology Network
Concept Mapping
Responses Posted to:
Carol Lee
Jesus Berrios